It is virtually impossible for any human being to join the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one joins (through application or membership) the Lord's church; you must be born into it. Anyone who is a born-again Christian is a member of the (church) Body of Christ. Any truly born-again member of the Lord Jesus Christ's church can choose to join in the work of TLC Church. We are born-again by the Spirit of God into the church that belongs solely to Jesus Christ. TLC Church is just that, a local church and ministry that belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. TLC Church is non-denominational. There are no denominations mentioned in Scripture, only people who belong to God and people who do not belong to God. The purpose of this church is to bring glory to God; to be an instrument of ministry to the Lord; to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to the unbeliever; to edify and build up the saints; and to bring the saints into full maturity that they may engage in the lifelong work of the ministry.
We believe the first priority for TLC Church is to teach and preach the Word of God. The teaching and preaching of the Word of God under the anointing continues to change the lives of the people of God, i.e. Christians. Spirit-emphasis alone, without the emphasis of the Word, without the solid unmoving foundation of the Word, leads into experience chasing. The danger of "experience chasing" is that it fosters a constant pursuit for a more grandiose experience than the last experience. At the very least, this produces shallow Christianity. Conversely, if you have only the Word of God without the Spirit, people become rigid and filled with dead orthodoxy. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to make the changes, and it takes the sureness of the Word of God to give substance and confidence. It is the blending of the Word of God taught in the power and moving of the Holy Spirit that brings Christ-like changes in people's lives.
TLC Church recognizes the need for the power of the Holy Spirit, but we also recognize a need for the solid foundation and teaching of God's Word. To effectively teach the Word requires the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit. TLC Church is dedicated to Biblical soundness in total dependence upon the power and work of the Holy Spirit. May God bless this ministry and all who labor in it, in Jesus' Name and for God's glory. Amen!
God Bless and Keep You,
Dr. Domenick L. Nati