

Sunday - 10AM Worship Service

Truth and Love in Christ Church Leadership

Truth and Love in Christ Church is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and their qualifications for ministry.

Dr. Domenick L. Nati

Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. Domenick L. Nati has devoted 40 years of his life to the work of the Lord, and to ministering and discipling the people of God. Pastor Domenick is called not only to preach the Word of God, rightly divided in Truth and Love, but to also equip and build up the Body of Christ.

 Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, Pastor Domenick grew up with a strong work ethic, and a general moral compass. Since he was a child, he always felt a desire for the things of God, but he found himself traveling down a road that did not fulfill the relentless desire of his soul. His life radically changed in 1983 when he fully committed and devoted his life to Jesus Christ. The call to ministry, and to equip and disciple the people of God was evident almost immediately. 

 Throughout his many years of ministry, Pastor Domenick has taught Bible studies, conducted seminars, taught numerous classes on Biblical topics, written position papers on Scriptural issues, counseled the people of God, preached the Word of God both in the pulpit and on a weekly radio show on WDCX, opened his heart and his life to the people and work of Jesus Christ.

 Pastor Domenick’s hunger for the truth of the Word of God led him to pursue his education at Bible Seminary. While he believes that a Seminary education alone is not necessary to understand the Bible (as the Holy Spirit can reveal and teach anyone who calls on the Name of Jesus, regardless of their education or background), Pastor Domenick believed this is what God would have for him to do. In 2001, he completed the Doctorate Program at Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary with his degree in Religious Education.

 In 2003 he founded Truth and Love in Christ (TLC) Church, and in 2006 the church purchased the beautiful property at 1230 Wehrle Drive in Williamsville, New York. Pastor knows that we who have placed our faith and complete trust in Jesus Christ, are ALL part of the Body of Christ, and have a part to play in God’s design and purpose for His Kingdom. Pastor Domenick’s desire is to equip the people of God to help them become more mature in the Word of God, to have a deeper relationship in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and to live out this life in victory and faithful service to our Lord. 

 To Jesus Christ alone be all the Glory!

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Rev. Dr. Domenick L. Nati has devoted 40 years of his life to the work of the Lord, and to ministering and discipling the people of God. Pastor Domenick is called not only to preach the Word of God, rightly divided in Truth and Love, but to also equip and build up the Body of Christ.

 Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, Pastor Domenick grew up with a strong work ethic, and a general moral compass. Since he was a child, he always felt a desire for the things of God, but he found himself traveling down a road that did not fulfill the relentless desire of his soul. His life radically changed in 1983 when he fully committed and devoted his life to Jesus Christ. The call to ministry, and to equip and disciple the people of God was evident almost immediately. 

 Throughout his many years of ministry, Pastor Domenick has taught Bible studies, conducted seminars, taught numerous classes on Biblical topics, written position papers on Scriptural issues, counseled the people of God, preached the Word of God both in the pulpit and on a weekly radio show on WDCX, opened his heart and his life to the people and work of Jesus Christ.

 Pastor Domenick’s hunger for the truth of the Word of God led him to pursue his education at Bible Seminary. While he believes that a Seminary education alone is not necessary to understand the Bible (as the Holy Spirit can reveal and teach anyone who calls on the Name of Jesus, regardless of their education or background), Pastor Domenick believed this is what God would have for him to do. In 2001, he completed the Doctorate Program at Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary with his degree in Religious Education.

 In 2003 he founded Truth and Love in Christ (TLC) Church, and in 2006 the church purchased the beautiful property at 1230 Wehrle Drive in Williamsville, New York. Pastor knows that we who have placed our faith and complete trust in Jesus Christ, are ALL part of the Body of Christ, and have a part to play in God’s design and purpose for His Kingdom. Pastor Domenick’s desire is to equip the people of God to help them become more mature in the Word of God, to have a deeper relationship in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and to live out this life in victory and faithful service to our Lord. 

 To Jesus Christ alone be all the Glory!

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Carl Carlson

Associate Pastor

Pastor Carl received the Lord on February 3rd, 1983. He has been following the Lordship of Jesus Christ ever since. He was called to the ministry of Missions where he has been functioning in that position for almost 30 years. He has experienced the work of Christ in foreign lands such as Mexico City, Managua, Nicaragua, and has brought the gospel to the Lakota Indians in White Clay, Nebraska. His basic goal is to follow the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as stated by Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:16-20. “All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth, therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and lo I will be with you always to the end of time.”  

Pastor Carl is married to a wonderful spouse Nancy and has (2) lovely children along with (3) grandchildren. They have been married for 47 precious years. Pastor Carl is a graduate of Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary where he has acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry, and also a Master’s Degree in Theology.

He is currently the Senior Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Mission’s Director of Truth and Love in Christ Church here in Williamsville, New York. His favorites include avid Bible teaching and studying about End Times Prophecy. His secular hobbies are following Baseball, and Football.  

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Pastor Carl received the Lord on February 3rd, 1983. He has been following the Lordship of Jesus Christ ever since. He was called to the ministry of Missions where he has been functioning in that position for almost 30 years. He has experienced the work of Christ in foreign lands such as Mexico City, Managua, Nicaragua, and has brought the gospel to the Lakota Indians in White Clay, Nebraska. His basic goal is to follow the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as stated by Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:16-20. “All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth, therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and lo I will be with you always to the end of time.”  

Pastor Carl is married to a wonderful spouse Nancy and has (2) lovely children along with (3) grandchildren. They have been married for 47 precious years. Pastor Carl is a graduate of Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary where he has acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry, and also a Master’s Degree in Theology.

He is currently the Senior Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care and Mission’s Director of Truth and Love in Christ Church here in Williamsville, New York. His favorites include avid Bible teaching and studying about End Times Prophecy. His secular hobbies are following Baseball, and Football.  

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Michael C. Raychel

Assistant Pastor

Michael was appointed to serve as Truth and Love in Christ Church's Assistant Pastor February 19, 2023. Prior to that, he served as a Deacon at TLC.

The attributes that best describe [ Pastor's Name ] as a pastor are strong preaching, leadership development and counseling. He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like Truth and Love in Christ Church where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. [ Pastor's Name ] takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending the first hours of his day focused on Bible study.

He graduated from Christ for the Nation's Institute in 2000 with a degree in Theology.

Michael has been happily married for 19 years to his wife, Theresa.

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Michael was appointed to serve as Truth and Love in Christ Church's Assistant Pastor February 19, 2023. Prior to that, he served as a Deacon at TLC.

The attributes that best describe [ Pastor's Name ] as a pastor are strong preaching, leadership development and counseling. He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like Truth and Love in Christ Church where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. [ Pastor's Name ] takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending the first hours of his day focused on Bible study.

He graduated from Christ for the Nation's Institute in 2000 with a degree in Theology.

Michael has been happily married for 19 years to his wife, Theresa.

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Theresa M. Raychel

director of music / worship leader

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Maria T. Nati


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